
The GradleFx plugin provides some properties you can set in your build script. Most of them are using conventions, so you’ll only need to specify them if you want to use your own values.

The following sections describe the properties you can/have to specify in your build script(required means whether you have to specify it yourself):

Standard Properties

Property Name Convention Required Description
gradleFxUserHomeDir %GRADLE_USER_HOME%/gradleFx false The location where GradleFx will store GradleFx specific files (e.g. installed SDK’s)
flexHome FLEX_HOME environment var false The location of your Flex SDK
flexSdkName   false The name you want to give to the Flex SDK Primarily used in the IDE integration
type n/a true Whether this is a library project or an application. Possible values: ‘swc’, ‘swf’, ‘air’ or ‘mobile’
srcDirs [‘src/main/actionscript’] false An array of source directories
resourceDirs [‘src/main/resources’] false An array of resource directories (used in the copyresources task, or included in the SWC for library projects)
testDirs [‘src/test/actionscript’] false An array of test source directories
testResourceDirs [‘src/test/resources’] false An array of test resource directories
includeClasses null false Equivalent of the include-classes compiler option. Accepts a list of classnames
includeSources null false Equivalent of the include-sources compiler option. Accepts a list of classfiles and/or directories.
frameworkLinkage ‘external’ for swc projects, ‘rsl’ for swf projects and ‘none’ for pure as projects false How the Flex framework will be linked in the project: “external”, “rsl”, “merged” or “none”
useDebugRSLSwfs false false Whether to use the debug framework rsl’s when frameworkLinkage is rsl
additionalCompilerOptions [] false Additional compiler options you want to specify to the compc or mxmlc compiler. Can be like [‘-target-player=10’, ‘-strict=false’]
fatSwc null false When set to true the asdoc information will be embedded into the swc so that Adobe Flash Builder can show the documentation
localeDir ‘src/main/locale’ false Defines the directory in which locale folders are located like en_US etc.
locales [] false The locales used by your application. Can be something like [‘en_US’, ‘nl_BE’]
mainClass ‘Main’ false This property is required for the mxmlc compiler. It defines the main class of your application. You can specify your own custom file like ‘org/myproject/MyApplication.mxml’ or ‘org.myproject.MyApplication’
output ${} false This is the name of the swc/swf that will be generated by the compile task
jvmArguments [] false You can use this property to specify jvm arguments which are used during the compile task. Only one jvm argument per array item: e.g. jvmArguments = [‘-Xmx1024m’,’-Xms512m’]
playerVersion ‘10.0’ false Defines the flash player version
htmlWrapper complex property false This is a complex property which contains properties for the createHtmlWrapper task
flexUnit complex property false This is a complex property which contains properties for the flexUnit task
air complex property false This is a complex property which contains properties for AIR projects
asdoc complex property false This is a complex property which contains properties for the asdoc task
sdkAutoInstall complex property false This is a complex property which contains properties for the SDK auto install feature


All the available compiler options for the mxmlc and compc compiler are available here Compc options , Mxmlc options

Complex properties


Property Name Convention Required Description
keystore “${}.p12” false The name of the certificate which will be used to sign the air package. Uses the project name by convention.
storepass null true The password of the certificate
applicationDescriptor “src/main/actionscript/${}.xml” false The location of the air descriptor file. Uses the project name by convention for this file.
includeFileTrees null false A list of FileTree objects which reference the files to include into the AIR package, like application icons which are specified in your application descriptor. Can look like this: air.includeFileTrees = [fileTree(dir: ‘src/main/actionscript/’, include: ‘assets/appIcon.png’)]


Property Name Convention Required Description
target apk false

Specifies the mobile platform for which the package is created.

ane - an AIR native extension package

Android package targets:

apk - an Android package. A package produced with this target can only be installed on an Android device, not an emulator.
apk-captive-runtime - an Android package that includes both the application and a captive version of the AIR runtime. A package produced with this target can only be installed on an Android device, not an emulator.
apk-debug - an Android package with extra debugging information. (The SWF files in the application must also be compiled with debugging support.)
apk-emulator - an Android package for use on an emulator without debugging support. (Use the apk-debug target to permit debugging on both emulators and devices.)
apk-profile - an Android package that supports application performance and memory profiling.

iOS package targets:

ipa-ad-hoc - an iOS package for ad hoc distribution.
ipa-app-store - an iOS package for Apple App store distribution.
ipa-debug - an iOS package with extra debugging information. (The SWF files in the application must also be compiled with debugging support.)
ipa-test - an iOS package compiled without optimization or debugging information.
ipa-debug-interpreter - functionally equivalent to a debug package, but compiles more quickly. However, the ActionScript bytecode is interpreted and not translated to machine code. As a result, code execution is slower in an interpreter package.
ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator - functionally equivalent to ipa-debug-interpreter, but packaged for the iOS simulator. Macintosh-only. If you use this option, you must also include the -platformsdk option, specifying the path to the iOS Simulator SDK.
ipa-test-interpreter - functionally equivalent to a test package, but compiles more quickly. However, the ActionScript bytecode is interpreted and not translated to machine code. As a result, code execution is slower in an interpreter package.
ipa-test-interpreter-simulator - functionally equivalent to ipa-test-interpreter, but packaged for the iOS simulator. Macintosh-only. If you use this option, you must also include the -platformsdk option, specifying the path to the iOS Simulator SDK.
extensionDir   false The name of a directory to search for native extensions (ANE files). Either an absolute path or a relative path from the project directory.
targetDevice   false Specify ios_simulator, the serial number (Android), or handle (iOS) of the connected device. On iOS, this parameter is required; on Android, this paramater only needs to be specified when more than one Android device or emulator is attached to your computer and running. If the specified device is not connected, ADT returns exit code 14: Device error (Android) or Invalid device specified (iOS). If more than one device or emulator is connected and a device is not specified, ADT returns exit code 2: Usage error
provisioningProfile   false The path to your iOS provisioning profile. Relative from your project directory.
outputExtension apk false The extension of the packaged application.
platform android false The name of the platform of the device. Specify ios or android.
platformSdk   false The path to the platform SDK for the target device: Android - The AIR 2.6+ SDK includes the tools from the Android SDK needed to implement the relevant ADT commands. Only set this value to use a different version of the Android SDK. Also, the platform SDK path does not need to be supplied if the AIR_ANDROID_SDK_HOME environment variable is already set. iOS - The AIR SDK ships with a captive iOS SDK. The platformsdk option lets you package applications with an external SDK so that you are not restricted to using the captive iOS SDK. For example, if you have built an extension with the latest iOS SDK, you can specify that SDK when packaging your application. Additionally, when using ADT with the iOS Simulator, you must always include the platformsdk option, specifying the path to the iOS Simulator SDK.
simulatorPlatformSdk   false The path to the platform SDK for the simulator.
simulatorTarget apk false Specifies the mobile platform of the simulator. See the target property for more information.
simulatorTargetDevice   false Specifies the device of the simulator. See the targetDevice property for more information.


Property Name Convention Required Description
profile   false ADL will debug the application with the specified profile. Can have the following values: desktop, extendedDesktop, mobileDevice
screenSize   false The simulated screen size to use when running apps in the mobileDevice profile on the desktop. To specify the screen size as a predefined screen type, look at the list provided here: | To specify the screen pixel dimensions directly, use the following format: widthXheight:fullscreenWidthXfullscreenHeight


Property Name Convention Required Description
title project.description false The title of the html page
file “${}.html” false Name of the html file
percentHeight ‘100’ false Height of the swf in the html page
percentWidth ‘100’ false Width of the swf in the html page
application false Name of the swf object in the HTML wrapper
swf false The name of the swf that is embedded in the HTML page. The ‘.swf’ extension is added automatically, so you don’t need to specify it.
history ‘true’ false Set to true for deeplinking support.
output project.buildDir false Directory in which the html wrapper will be generated.
expressInstall ‘true’ false use express install
versionDetection ‘true’ false use version detection
source null false The relative path to your custom html template

application: wrapper.application,

percentHeight: “$wrapper.percentHeight%”,

percentWidth: “$wrapper.percentWidth%”,

swf: wrapper.swf,

title: wrapper.title


false A map of tokens which will be replaced in your custom template. The keys have to be specified as ${key} in your template


(Since GradleFx uses the FlexUnit ant tasks it also uses the same properties, more information about the properties specified in this table can be found in the “Property Descriptions” section on this page:

Property Name Convention Required Description
player ‘flash’ false Whether to execute the test SWF against the Flash Player or ADL. See the “Property Descriptions” section on this page for more information:
command FLASH_PLAYER_EXE environment variable false The path to the Flash player executable which will be used to run the tests
swf “${project.buildDirName}/${testOutput}.swf” false Location of the generated swf files which runs the tests
toDir “${project.buildDirName}/reports” false Directory to which the test result reports are written
workingDir project.path false Directory to which the task should copy the resources created during compilation.
haltonfailure ‘false’ false Whether the execution of the tests should stop once a test has failed
verbose ‘false’ false Whether the tasks should output information about the test results
localTrusted ‘true’ false The path specified in the ‘swf’ property is added to the local FlashPlayer Trust when this property is set to true.
port ‘1024’ false On which port the task should listen for test results
buffer ‘262144’ false Data buffer size (in bytes) for incoming communication from the Flash movie to the task. Default should in general be enough, you could possibly increase this if your tests have lots of failures/errors.
timeout ‘60000’ false How long (in milliseconds) the task waits for a connection with the Flash player
failureproperty ‘flexUnitFailed’ false If a test fails, this property will be set to true
headless ‘false’ false Allows the task to run headless when set to true.
display ‘99’ false The base display number used by Xvnc when running in headless mode.
includes [‘**/*’] false Defines which test classes are executed when running the tests
excludes [] false Defines which test classes are excluded from execution when running the tests


Property Name Convention Required Description
outputDir ‘doc’ false The directory in which the asdoc documentation will be created
additionalASDocOptions [] false Additional options for the asdoc compiler.


Property Name Convention Required Description
showPrompts true false Whether to show prompts during the installation or let it run in full auto mode. Make sure you agree with all the licenses before turning this off


All the available asdoc options (for Flex 4.6) can be found here: asdoc compiler options

Example usage (build.gradle)

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: 'org.gradlefx', name: 'gradlefx', version: '0.5'

apply plugin: 'gradlefx'

flexHome = System.getenv()['FLEX_SDK_LOCATION'] //take a custom environment variable which contains the Flex SDK location

srcDirs = ['/src/main/flex']

additionalCompilerOptions = [

htmlWrapper {
            title         = 'My Page Title'
            percentHeight = 80
            percentWidth  = 80
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